CryptoArt 101: Are You Ready For The Creation?

Jordan Gray
3 min readSep 18, 2020

I collaborated with 3 other artists on The Creation, a CryptoArt piece tokenized on ETH blockchain. If you’re not already in the know, catch up quick with my answers to common questions!

Flipping through layers of The Creation, Current bid: 3.75 ETH ($1,448.74)

“All can view, one can own” is the most concise summary of CryptoArt. Yes, anyone can download the JPG, but an immutable database states there is only one owner. Can there be multiple editions? Yes…



Jordan Gray

co-Founder of @CODAME ART+TECH ✾ Creative Commons Mixed Media Artist @staRpauSe ✾ Dayan Qigong moving meditation mentor